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1.      Mergers-Acquisitions
Mergers and acquisitions (M&A) is strategic decisions that it can make great changing in enterprises and is visibility and heading of enterprises for later. If people can get chance of M&A, they will increase value of their enterprise. With deeply experience in legal consultancy about business, enterprises, Le Hoang law will consult M&A solutions quickly, conveniently, effectively.
Le Hoang law provides services:
-   To consult orders, procedures to carry out commercial transaction, mergers, acquisitions and legal matters relating these procedures;
-   To carry out legal examinations (DD) for enterprises’ operations/assets which is object of mergers, acquisitions or enterprise related to these mergers, acquisitions;
-   To consult to appraising enterprises;
-   To draft, check and/or participate in negotiate agreements, contracts relating to mergers, acquisitions (contracts of sales, transfer stock, capital; contracts of sales assets of enterprise);
-   To consult to arrange, re-organize enterprises’ operations related to mergers, acquisitions while/after the end of these transactions;
To consult and be representative customers to carry out procedures of register sales, mergers in unit in charge, including procedures to announcement /asking permission in competition administrative agencies and/or specialize major administrative agencies